What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
Neighbourhood planning was introduced by the Localism Act in 2011.
The objective underpinning the idea of Localism, is that decision-making be passed to a more local level, from national or local government to local communities.
Town Councils can produce Neighbourhood Plans for their own local area, putting in place a strategy and policies for the future development of the area.
This presents real opportunities and gives the community more control over local planning policy that is of specific relevance to Ashburton.
The Neighbourhood Plan, however, must have regard to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)1and be in general conformity with the strategic policies of adopted Local Plans. In relation to Ashburton, this means the adopted Dartmoor National Park Local Plan 2018-2036 and DNP Housing Supplementary Planning Document, December 2023; and the adopted Teignbridge Local Plan 2013-33.
The Neighbourhood Plan must be acceptable to local people, reflecting their needs and priorities and be supported by a local referendum. When the plan is “made” (adopted) it will become part of the “development plan” alongside the Dartmoor and Teignbridge Local Plans. Development proposals will then be determined in accordance with the Neighbourhood Plan as well as those Local Plans.
The Ashburton Neighbourhood Plan guides what development can and cannot happen in Ashburton.
Minutes and Agendas for the Neighbourhood Plan committee are available by clicking this link: Neighbourhood Plan Committee
Download a copy of the Neighbourhood Plan here.